Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

I love holidays and how you can just have fun and do things out of the norm! I hope I am helping make good memories for my chidren. I sure have fun in the process! So, for our St Patty's Day wehad ourselvesa wee bit of fun! :)

First, there was a little surprise for the kids...Thomas especially loved the little gold collection!

Kindergarten didn't have school today because of parent/teacher conferences so I had extra time to make green eggs

We had fun making fruit loop rainbows

And later we went to Mom's for our corned beef dinner (also a green meal). Chris even turned the meat green. :)

Hope you all had fun today!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Few Missed Moments Shared

All right. I will give this site a try, but I admit I am not the best at updating blogs frequently. It's when I don't take pictures very often. I do have a couple off my phone that I forgot to upload, so let's take a moment back in time...

Right around Thomas's birthday he lost his first tooth. It happened while eating and he noticed it was gone but couldn't find his tooth. He thinks it fell on the floor and Max ate it. I don't know...
Don't worry, the tooth fairy still came. :) And now he has both his permanent bottom front teeth in.

While in Vegas for Christmas, we did our bit of service for a neighbor by raking up a ton of leaves still left from Fall. It was wet and messy and the kids had a blast jumping in the piles. It was definitely shower time for them afterwards. But hey, who says there can't be a little play included in the work? As long as it gets done eventually, right? :)

And this is Keira's princess "castle" we got from our neighbor and her new princess bedding for Christmas. She is all Princess!