Sunday, November 23, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude

I hope everyone enjoys this week and has a very Happy Thanksgiving! I love the holidays and the way it brings us closer to those we love! It's good to have this time to put extra focus on being grateful for the things we have, no matter our circumstances, and it's true…there is so much to be thankful for. I can make a list that goes on and on, but for your sake, I'll just name a few.

I am grateful for…

My children- I love that I can play, laugh, be silly, cuddle, teach, and serve them. They are good kids and very forgiving on my struggles with parenting the best way at times and for me being so busy. I try to give them good quality time, though.

My family- What would I do without those who let me move in with them and make it even more busy and crazy around here? And I am also grateful for the love of those living elsewhere in Utah, Vegas, Oregon, etc. I love being around family, as rambunctious as we may be at times:) They love me for who I am, no matter what.

My friends- I feel blessed to know so many wonderful people who have impacted my life and uplifted me through their example, their friendship, love, and support.  (wish I had pictures of everyone… but there have been many great memories through the years:)

And last, but definitely not least, my Savior. He lived and died for me…for all of us. I know who I am and where I want to go because I have a testimony of His gospel. I am so grateful for Him!

Yes, life is not always easy, but I feel it's important to keep a positive attitude and one of the best ways to do that is to remember all that is good in life. So, thank you to everyone one of you for making a difference in my life! Happy Thanksgiving!