Sunday, November 23, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude

I hope everyone enjoys this week and has a very Happy Thanksgiving! I love the holidays and the way it brings us closer to those we love! It's good to have this time to put extra focus on being grateful for the things we have, no matter our circumstances, and it's true…there is so much to be thankful for. I can make a list that goes on and on, but for your sake, I'll just name a few.

I am grateful for…

My children- I love that I can play, laugh, be silly, cuddle, teach, and serve them. They are good kids and very forgiving on my struggles with parenting the best way at times and for me being so busy. I try to give them good quality time, though.

My family- What would I do without those who let me move in with them and make it even more busy and crazy around here? And I am also grateful for the love of those living elsewhere in Utah, Vegas, Oregon, etc. I love being around family, as rambunctious as we may be at times:) They love me for who I am, no matter what.

My friends- I feel blessed to know so many wonderful people who have impacted my life and uplifted me through their example, their friendship, love, and support.  (wish I had pictures of everyone… but there have been many great memories through the years:)

And last, but definitely not least, my Savior. He lived and died for me…for all of us. I know who I am and where I want to go because I have a testimony of His gospel. I am so grateful for Him!

Yes, life is not always easy, but I feel it's important to keep a positive attitude and one of the best ways to do that is to remember all that is good in life. So, thank you to everyone one of you for making a difference in my life! Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

He's 10! Ahhh!

I think I'm feeling a little old now that I have a 10 year old. Thomas was counting down the days and was so excited about his birthday…of course. 

This is what he woke up to: balloons to walk through by his room

And a creepy minecraft spider. (I guess it fits Halloween too:)

We had a family dinner with Dustin and Charissa the night of his birthday.

 You like how he got his own big bag of Doritos? :)

Saturday, Thomas invited over some friends for a Minecraft birthday party.

They played Pin-the-tail on the pig

(Weird looking, I know, but everything on that game is squares and blocks…)

 I laid out a scavenger hunt for them. Thomas wanted to find his snacks that were all related to the game: rock candy- crystals, pretzels- sticks, chocolate nuggets- gold, 7up- potion of poison, party poppers- TNT

 Cambria and Keira had to join in on the fun:)

Enderman piƱata. This was a tough one to break! It was hilarious watching them as Andy was pulling the rope and making it swing

And, of course, he loved his presents 

Just a few of his friends. I forgot to get one of all of them before some left. Dang!

I think it was a success! Happy Birthday, Thomas! Getting so big!

My Classroom

Incase anyone is interested…here is a bit of what my classroom looks like. It was a quick throw together one week before school, but it turned out ok I think:)

After reading "Rainbow Fish" we made our own and wrote how we can be a good friend in class

 Here are a few pictures of when we went to Vegas for Grandpa Bunker's funeral

Stopped in St George to see the temple, eat, let Keira go to the bathroom…one of many bathroom breaks, and they had to be immediate. We haven't had that problem in a long time. Oh man:/

The kids table at the luncheon after the funeral. I wish these cousins could get together more often

Almost all of the Bunker bunch (wish Becky and her family could have been there too)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Fall Fun!

Happy Fall everyone! The weather has cooled, the colors are out, the holidays are coming…bring on the fun!

The family went on a little Halloween cruise for some good pirate entertainment

 I took my kids and Cambria to the pumpkin patch in Springville- they had a blast!

We went up Spanish Fork Canyon to see the colors. Well, pictures never do it justice. There were some reds but mostly yellows. Still pretty!

 I decided to try Hee Haw Farms in Pleasant Grove this year instead of Cornbelly's. Cornbelly's is a little more expensive but bigger. The kids still ended up having a great time here:

playing Horseshoes

 Going down the slides

 Even a 2 story silo slide

 The corn pit is always a hit! Thomas saw some boys filling their shirts with corn, so he thought he's make himself big, too. Silly

 I love giving them a chance to ride ponies. This one was a little lame, though. 2 ponies were out and they only walked them around the little coral one time.

 A little petting farm

 Another fun slide they stayed on forever. That and the sand box

 And a short hayride. 

 Hope you all are having a great Fall so far!