Sunday, November 17, 2013

Love the Fall!

Natalie was a dear again and took a bunch of pictures of my cute little family. We went up Hobble Creek Canyon to get a good Fall background. It was chilly...luckily it didn't rain until we got back home. And we had a hard time getting Thomas to cooperate with smiling - he's all about being goofy now. But I think we got some good ones!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween Activities

Get ready for a picture overload:) October was a busy month, but we had a lot of fun activities planned to get us pumped about Halloween. Natalie was really good about coordinating a lot of this.

Natalie found a cute craft for the kids: yarn monsters. The kids were super creative

 I haven't bobbed for apples since I was a kid, probably. It's really challenging. We could only do it by getting the stem. Is that cheating?

Springville's pumpkin patch was a little bigger this year. The corn pit is always a favorite as they love to bury themselves in it...then we find corn in their pockets, in their shoes...and all over my car

The maze

 Thomas and I got help to the top- Wahoo

Thomas and Keira love Cornbelly's. Always fun things to do there. 

We took a ride on the Halloween Cruise down Provo River. Pirates trying to rope swing onto your boat, telling silly jokes, passing around their "loot" of candy, and reciting halloween stories. The river is lined with carved pumpkins and Halloween lights were strung across the trees. Pretty fun for the kids. 

 Cute Keira playing with Brielle

 Pumpkin carving time! Thomas and Keira lasted for 5 minutes of scooping out the goop. was mostly me carving 2 pumpkins.

 These are the faces they wanted on their pumpkins

Our first time to the Red Barn in Santaquin. It would have been more pleasant if we could have done this before dark, but they had a few fun things to do at their pumpkin patch. We snacked on pumpkin donuts, their homemade apple juice, and ice-cream before we made it back home for dinner (YUM!). That's ok to do every once in a while, right?:)

And now costume time! Harry Potter, a witch, and a black cat for our ward party.

Then Thomas changed to a magician

 Another costume for his school parade

 And yet another one, Sonic, for trick-or-treating. And Keira is a fairy

Jacob made a pumpkin zombie, which got destroyed last night from some boys in the neighborhood causing havoc.

We hope you all had a fun month, too, and a Happy Halloween!