Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween Disney Adventures

Disneyland is one of my favorite places ever! We got to go on Halloween, which was perfect because we got to dress up, see others in there costumes, and there wasn't very many people there. We mostly had just a 5 minute waiting time in the lines and the weather was perfect! We didn't stay for the trick or treating there, which would have been fun, but the kids were tired and it does cost a lot! But here are some of our adventures at Disneyland and California...

The kids got to sleep in the walk in closet

Kids watching the fountain at the mall in Irvine

They swam for hours at Steve Silverstein's house, while we were there for a BBQ. Thomas can now swim a short distance under water without floaties! :)

The kids with Steve, a family friend of Soozi's

We took the kids to the beach. The water was pretty chilly to actually swim, but they loved getting dirty in the sand!


One of Thomas's favorites was the Haunted Mansion because it was all decorated like "The Nightmare Before Christmas." Keira was pretty scared of that ride but was super brave for all our taking her on some bigger rides. She did at one point say, "I'm scared of everything." Poor girl.

Abbi - 5 (I think)

We always have to see Mickey!

Tyler - almost 2

The parade! The kids really enjoyed this! Keira was even dancing up a storm by the end. It was so cute!

We had a wonderful time! We hope you all had a fun Halloween too!