Sunday, October 20, 2013

Birthday Boy!

This past Thursday was a special day for my Thomas. He has been counting down all month for his 9th Birthday to be here. So I saw it fitting to put a little count down on the mirror to keep his excitement going, and to show him we are excited too! One small thing he loved!

The day before his birthday, I took Thomas on a mother-son date to Lowes Xtreme Airsports in Provo where Thomas and I got to practice our trampoline and tumbling skills. He has been wanting to go there for a while, but I would feel bad because I don't want Keira going yet. That girl does not mix well with trampolines. So, I let Mike have a father daughter date while I took Thomas. I admit, I have lost a lot of my abilities-sad. I feel old: I get dizzy doing flips and get a little scared of jumping too high on the tramp or climbing too high on the rock wall (even though there is a giant foam pit below), and I was exhausted after a half hour. Thomas particularly enjoyed throwing all the foam blocks at me and trying to cover me up in the foam pit. We had a good time! Sorry, no pictures of that though.

This is what Natalie and I did to Thomas's door after he finally fell asleep that night before his birthday. When he opened the door the next morning, they tumbled down on him and I heard him give a surprised "Woah!" He thought it was a neat surprise. I expected him to rip down the streamers to get out, but instead, crawled through the streamers. 

That night, I sent him on a scavenger hunt around the house to find his presents. This is some of it. 

He was happy with what he got but seemed a little disappointed it wasn't very many gifts (oh kids), and one in particular was missing. We sent him outside in the dark to try his new bike I got him. As he was doing that with Chris, I decorated his cake with these little Sonic figures- the gift he really wanted. When he came back in so we could sing to him, he jumped up and down with excitement when he saw the Sonic figures on the cake. I wish I got it on camera. I don't understand what is so great about Sonic but this kid loves it. He said it was the best day ever. Cute!

Look at that face:)

Thomas, at 9 years old, likes:
-Lego Ninjas
-Playing baseball
-He is getting to be really good at speaking Chinese (amazing!)
-He loves cookie dough ice-cream
-Wants to work for Sega
-Loves chili dogs
-And likes to eat at Sonic

(mid-jump shot)
Happy Birthday, Thomas! I love you!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Kristin's Wedding

Weddings make great little family reunions! It was nice getting to see everyone for this special occasion of my dear sister, Kristin, getting married. And it was a beautiful day for it, too:) While we were waiting for the best man (I think) to go back and get his suit that he forgot, we took advantage of picture time. So here we have:

Mom and her Bunker kids. I wish Jared and Becky lived closer so I could see them more often, but was so glad they were able to make it for this too! We got a little bit of hang out time:)

Some of us girls in our pretty reds! 
(Becky, Ellie, me, Natalie and baby Brielle)

Mom and most of her kids. Jen was in the bridal party getting ready

I don't have very many pictures of just mom and I. Love this lady!

After giving us about an hour of visiting and catching up, everyone was dressed and ready:) Kristin made a beautiful bride! Her mom and step-dad, Pepe. I'm sure Kristin really missed dad on this day, but I'm sure he was there watching in on everything.

Nick and Kristin exchanging heartfelt vows

They're married!

Beautiful bridesmaids: Kristin's step-sister Chelsea, and Jennifer; Maid of Honor: Becca

 They are all so photogenic!

 Extended family photo

Kristin's "Mormon family"as she titled us. I'll claim that!

 My little nieces are such cuties! I get lots of play time with Cambria and Brielle. Natalie made their matching talented!

 Mike and Christina-may be the next of my siblings to be getting married;) 

 My dinner table: GM & GP, me, Mom, Andy and Natalie, Becky, Jared and Brittany

Love my sisters

Gotta have a sister photo with everyone!

It was a very nice wedding! I am happy for Kristin and Nick and wish them the best! I'm glad Kristin got the wedding she always wanted. Congratulations! 
During this time, it was also announced that both she and Becca are expecting again! Lots of big things happening in this family!

 Grandpa was kind enough to let us stay with him. I was worried we would be a burden if he wasn't doing too well, but I guess this visit was good for lifting his spirits. I look up to him in so many ways. Every time I go to Vegas, I always make it a point to go see him. This time was nice that it was a little more than just a quick drop by. Of course, Jared Becky, and I got asked to perform for him. Jared made up a song on the spot (amazing! Wish I could do that), we all sang a hymn, and Becky and I played some duets. GP makes sure we don't lose our musical talents:)

Some of them turned out better than others, but we had a lot of laughs attempting. Poor GM was probably shaking her head at us as we were massacring her fun songs. I love playing duets, though, so it was fun getting the opportunity again.

 My childhood house is up for sale (or for rent) and Stephen knows the real estate agent, so we were able to go see it and reminisce about the good times! So many good memories there, and I love the space-I guess that's what we needed with all us kids! Here's our big kitchen

 Here's the girls' room. I shared this with Becky, Kristin, and Becca until Becky went to college. It was always fun with all of us as we would keep each other up chatting and laughing into the night. Sometimes the boys were involved in keeping us up as they would knock on our window and scare us, or throw random objects like balls and stuffed animals into our room. Then it would turn into "war" when we did it back to their room. Hard to explain it right, but we were a wild bunch. In high school, Becky tricked me one night when she came home late, I woke up and thought it was early morning and wondered why she didn't wake me up for school. Becky encouraged me to get ready until she couldn't keep from laughing at me. Anyway, there are so many stories. It was good for me to share a room with such great sisters! (Our rooms used to have carpet-they ripped out all the carpet in the house and replaced it with tile or wood floor. )

So much time was spent in the pool house! Whether summer or winter, we were able to swim. It was the hot spot for the New Year's parties and when friends came over. We would drop off from the ceiling into the pool, much to mom's dismay, we tried "surfing" on the boogie boards, played lots of marco polo, and I got the lovely experience of getting thrown into he pool with my clothes on. The rope swing is still there, too. 

 I guess the people living behind the house (as part of the property) has horses. The yard looks horrible now as it is just all dirt, but I guess that is expected when no one has lived in it in forever. Well, I had a great childhood here. Becky and I also had a little more of a stroll down memory lane as we were waiting for people to show up to the house when they said we were going to meet...40 or so minutes later...
Anyway, before we got to the neighborhood, we drove to our middle school and high school-both looking sooo different. We kept looking at them like, "Really, we went here?" Recognizable but not. Color changes, modifications, half the parking lot gone to put in a playing field, a new theater put in, etc. We also saw GM Leu's old house nearby the high school. Just places we haven't seen in forever.

It was a good trip and good to see everyone! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Random Photo Time!

I have some pictures from summer that just got to me from Natalie. Enjoy!

Love my girl!

 Keira's hair is a bit wild!

Keira and Cambria are the best of friends!

 Swimming at the Provo Rec Center. Brielle did amazingly well!

Bridal Veil Falls