Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to All!

Merry Christmas everyone! We have enjoyed this Christmas and having a special visit from Steve and Ellie, and Jennifer. Wish we could have see you all but hope you had a marvelous Christmas!

These pictures are a little backwards but that's ok:) Thomas woke everyone up this morning at 7:30. He was so excited to see what Santa brought. He got one of those electric globes like we used to have growing...this one is a definite mini but he thinks it cool!

We made a big mess in the piano room

Keira got noise putty

And a cute bank

Thomas before the gift opening party

 Oh my boy and Sonic. What to do?

This would be cowgirl Pocahantas going to see Santa

 We made gingerbread houses

We had our white Christmas

 One of his presents from Santa. He really wanted to keep Chris's so now he has his own

I may already have these on my last blog, but if so, you can enjoy these again! So cute!

We love our gifts, but most of all we love the time with family, the spirit of giving, and love this time of year that we get to celebrate the birth of our Savior! Because of Him, we have so much to be grateful for! He is what we should be focusing on more during Christmas, and every day! We love you all!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Baptism Day

I can't believe my son is 8. The time has sure flown. Thomas has made the decision to be baptized, which happened yesterday. He has made me a very proud mama.:) Thomas was so excited to get baptized, and would count down the days. I feel he was also prepared and understood the importance of it. It was a good morning and he said he was feeling good inside too. Thomas had some of Mike's family come up and support him, Charissa and Dustin came, and of course the family here, so thank you all for coming, or for the cards, gifts, or phone calls to him!

Here is our baptism boy: (and someone else got a good picture of him and his dad all in white)

Fall Festivities

I love fall! The kids and I have had our fun at Cornbellys, the pumpkin patch, and Gardner's Village, and trick-or-treating. The holidays are the best!

A walk up Mapleton Canyon to see the colors. Of course, it looked better in person

Pumpkin Patch

Gardener Village (sorry the pictures are sideways. I must have forgotten to rotate them)

Halloween Night: my ninja and princess
(Keira was also a black cat for a ward party)
Happy Halloween!

Oh, and also we celebrated Thomas 8th Birthday.

With his friend, Tommy

Twister was funny- Keira really tried but couldn't keep her body off the mat

 We ended up going to Sonic so he could get a chili dog (Coney), one of his favorite meals. 
I believe he had a good day:)

And Cornbelly's

Happy Fall everyone!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Precious Little Ones of Mine

Some of you may have already seen these on Natalie's blog, so you'l will just have the pleasure of seeing them again:) Thomas requested we go take pictures at the same spot Chris and Maquel went for theirs, so Natalie agreed to take us. 

All went well until Keira got a splinter. (Notice her forced, pained smile)

Aww. I love my kids!

Thomas had a hard time getting a good jumping shot down, with his legs tucked underneath him. But this one works!

And a few cute individual pictures

And some random pictures. 
Fun at Mom and Andy's work party. There was yummy food, bounce houses, and games...we all had a good time

I love my little girl

Up Provo Canyon with some friends

Cambria and Keira put stickers all over their faces. Actually, it was Cambria's doing and Keira allowed it to be done on her too. Silly kids