Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tis the Season!

Who doesn't like Christmas? We have been counting down the days (well, the kids especially), but have been enjoying all the fun things you can do around Christmas.

Keira loves to join in on all the picture taking. Look at these precious girlies!

 Just some fun and goofy pictures of our little family

 Actually, this one is from Thanksgiving. I enjoyed getting to see my dad and have most of the family together. Here's the Bunker clan!

Thomas at scouts...toilet paper snowman race

We have our little Elf on the Shelf. Thomas thinks it's fake, but Keira and Cambria enjoy trying to find him every morning. Some times he is still in the same spot, though...someone needs to be more on the ball;) This is just one of the places we have "found him." He was also found in a stocking, reading a book to princess figures, and surrounded by wadded up Kleenex tissues with a cold. Kids, be good, he is watching you:) (We also tied it in with Heavenly Father also watching us)

 We had Charissa and Dustin, Christy and David come over to decorate gingerbread men with us. Always so fun to see them! 

 It has been a while since I've made to Temple Square, so I made it a point to go this year. Love the lights, love the Spirit that is always felt there! 

Crazy hair day for spirit week at school. If you look in the mirror Keira had a bunch of pony tails she wanted. Thomas wanted a spiked circular "nest" affect, although you can't see that real well.

Sledding fun at the park with Cambria and Brielle- it's one sure way to wear out a couple of kids:)

 Do you want to build a snowman? (anyone seen Frozen? It's been a popular song in this house)

Keira's Christmas dance. She is in the far right corner. Sorry, I was not in the best spot to record her. She is so cute, though!

We've also been to see the Festival of Lights in Spanish Fork. Word of advice, though...go at the beginning of December. There were sooo many cars the week OF Christmas.
Hope you all enjoy your holiday!