Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to All!

Merry Christmas everyone! We have enjoyed this Christmas and having a special visit from Steve and Ellie, and Jennifer. Wish we could have see you all but hope you had a marvelous Christmas!

These pictures are a little backwards but that's ok:) Thomas woke everyone up this morning at 7:30. He was so excited to see what Santa brought. He got one of those electric globes like we used to have growing...this one is a definite mini but he thinks it cool!

We made a big mess in the piano room

Keira got noise putty

And a cute bank

Thomas before the gift opening party

 Oh my boy and Sonic. What to do?

This would be cowgirl Pocahantas going to see Santa

 We made gingerbread houses

We had our white Christmas

 One of his presents from Santa. He really wanted to keep Chris's so now he has his own

I may already have these on my last blog, but if so, you can enjoy these again! So cute!

We love our gifts, but most of all we love the time with family, the spirit of giving, and love this time of year that we get to celebrate the birth of our Savior! Because of Him, we have so much to be grateful for! He is what we should be focusing on more during Christmas, and every day! We love you all!